NTBC Policies

NTBC Policy on the use of Playback to Attract Birds

  1. Playback should never be used in relation to any species that are contained within Schedule 1 of The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 » Click here to view a list of Schedule-One-Species. In England, Scotland & Wales it is a criminal offence to recklessly disturb at or near the nest a species listed under Schedule 1.
  2. NTBC strongly discourage the use of playback for any species at any time but particularly during the breeding season. Repeated Playback or excessive volume to encourage a bird to respond so it can be seen can divert birds from normal activities and result in the desertion of territories or may leave eggs/young exposed. Exceptionally playback may form part of a legitimate species survey sanctioned by a reputable scientific organization such as the BTO.
  3. For a small of number of rare and scarce migrants it may be useful to use playback to assist in the identification process. NTBC considers it reasonable for the finder(s) to briefly use playback whilst assessing the identification. It is considered unacceptable however to use playback to locate or re-locate a species that has previously been found, identified and news of its whereabouts communicated to others. Playback must always be avoided for any bird that appears sick or tired.
  4. Members are expected to use common-sense if considering the use of playback in their birding activities and adhere to the content and spirit of this policy. The welfare of the bird must be paramount at all times but any effects on other birders and the general public should also be considered.

Other NTBC Policies

» NTBC Risk Assessment – Field Trips