
In support of the club’s aims the club sets aside funds into a Development Fund from which we award grants to small ornithological projects we believe are worthy of support. Anyone wishing to apply for a grant from the club’s Development Fund should contact the secretary for details of how to apply at

Recent grant awards from the NTBC Development Fund are detailed below:

Hen Harrier Tagging Programme (a message here from Conrad Dickinson)
The club donated £750 towards the Hen Harrier tagging programme this year.
At RSPB Geltsdale there were 2 successful nests. One with 4 chicks fledging and the other with 1 fledging. (In theory, there should have been more nests but 2 males unexpectedly “disappeared” early in the season). Only this year RSPB introduced a new policy re Sat Tagging in that they did not tag juvenile males because of their smaller size and the weight of the tag. This may change in the future. Of the 5 chicks only one was female, so basically one tag was fitted.
The fundraising campaign has been successful however, and I’m planning another 4 talks this Autumn and Spring which should bring the total raised to about £15K. This will be used specifically for future Tags in our region.

Once again many thanks for the support from the Club

Hexham Swift Conservation 
A grant of £500 towards the purchase of Swift nest boxes, construction materials and installation costs to improve the availability of suitable nesting sites for this declining species. The project involves local businesses and organisations such as Karbon Homes, Hexham Golf Club and “Hexham Space for Nature”. The project is led by Keith Buchanan and Andy Bunten.

Embleton Quarry Community Nature Reserve 
A grant of £2700 towards the enhancement and enlargement of this local nature reserve, of local importance for Tree Sparrows and Barn and Tawny Owl.

North East Beached Bird Survey Group 
£270 to expand the capacity for storage of specimens for laboratory analysis.

Fair Isle Bird Observatory   
£500 contribution towards the rebuilding of the observatory after it’s destruction by fire. Many club members will have visited Fair Isle and be aware of the importance of it’s research and records of migratory birds.

Swift Conservation in Morpeth (c/o Graham Sorrie).
£267 for Swift nest boxes in the continuing conservation project promoted in the Lancaster Park and Newgate Street area of Morpeth by Graham.

Geologgers on Breeding Goldeneye (c/o Phil Hanmer).
Funding of £476 to help Phil maintain his study through it’s second year.

European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 
A contribution of £100 which includes Mark Eaton’s waived fee from his November 2017 Indoor Meeting presentation.

North East Beached Bird Surveys Group (c/o Dan Turner).
Funding of £250 to help with taxidermy for education and display purposes.

Bird Conservation Project in Gambia (c/o G. Bowman).
£200 contribution towards the creation of permanent freshwater pools to improve habitat quality for winter visitors, involving the local community in their creation and maintenance.

Flexigraze Conservation Grazing in the North east (c/o S. Comber).
£500 to assist with the conservation maintenance of grasslands at key wildlife sites.

British Trust for Ornithology Curlew Appeal 
£500 contribution towards research into the fortunes of this iconic Northumberland species.

St Mary’s Wetland Group (c/o C Bradshaw).
£1000 approved towards fencing and stock proofing the site to enable conservation grazing to commence, for habitat improvement for breeding birds and winter foraging.

Breeding shorebirds on Druridge Bay (I Robson & Northumberland Coast AONB).
£1000 towards fencing and signage to protect ground nesting shorebirds at Chibburn Mouth.

Swift Conservation and Awareness (G Sorrie).
£300 for nestboxes as part of a conservation scheme for Swifts in the Morpeth/Mitford area.

Kittiwakes 0n the Tyne – grant awarded to NTBC member and wildlife photographer and filmaker Cain Scrimgeour to fund a short film promoting the Tyne Kittiwake colony. It is hoped that this project will help highlight the unique nature of the Tyne colony and promote the annual spectacle as part of the area’s rich natural heritage available to visitors and residents.

Abbeyfields First School, Morpeth – grant awarded to fund the purchase of five pairs of binoculars and bird-feeders for their Forest School. The The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences.

Koshi Tappu Ringing Station, Nepal.
A grant awarded to help fund the establishment of Nepal’s first bird observatory at Koshi Tappu Reserve.

North East Beached Bird Survey 
A grant awarded to fund the creation of educational materials, including skins and specimens,  to help the North East Beached Bird Survey deliver talks across the region about this important project.

North East Cetacean Project 

A grant awarded to support fieldwork and surveys off the Northumberland Coast in support of this project to generate up to date information on the status of cetaceans off our coastline.

BTO – species sponsorship (Bewick’s Swan) in the new national atlas.