Members’ Resources

Historical Bulletins & Records Card Archive

The club has been producing bulletins for members since its foundation. Only some years are available by this means at present. Members receive monthly bulletins as part of their annual subscriptions.

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Latest News

A selection of news from the Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club. If you would like to submit an item, please contact the Honorary Secretary by email, using

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For Sale

Club members can advertise their ‘bird related’ items for sale or exchange. If you would like to submit an item, please contact the Honorary Secretary by email, using

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All members and other observers are encouraged to submit their own observations for inclusion in the club bulletins and also our annual bird report Birds In Northumbria. A look through these publications will give a good indication of the type of records sought.

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An opportunity to learn more about local and national bird surveys. There are also monthly inland and coastal Webs tables to view. Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) is the scheme which monitors non-breeding waterbirds in the UK.

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Bird Notes

Our Bird Notes are short articles based on original and interesting observations and fieldwork in the county. We would like to encourage members and others to contribute further articles which they feel may be of interest.

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Trip Reports

These are mainly foreign birding trip reports kindly submitted by members of the Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club.

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Identification Matters

This section contains various articles, papers, etc. dealing with diverse identification matters which it is hoped may be of interest to club members and other birders when out ‘in the field’.

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A  range of NTBC Branded Clothing is now available to club members via a partnership with local supplier Salto UK Ltd. The NTBC clothing range should be ordered direct from Salto.

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NTBC Policies

A selection of Policies from the NTBC.

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