Birds In Northumbria

Each year we publish  our annual report for our recording area ‘Birds in Northumbria’. It contains a full systematic list with accounts of all species recorded during the year. Packed with images and drawings it also includes regular features such as a Ringing Report, Arrival & Departure dates of regular migrant visitors, Wetland Bird Survey results  and many other interesting articles.  Copies of the latest report and some earlier years are available from :  Trevor Blake, 6 Glenside, Ellington, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 5LS.

Please make cheques payable to ‘Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club‘.

Since 1970 the annual bird report has included many useful and interesting articles on a range of topics e.g. first county sightings of a species, site reviews, species studies and so on. However, for anyone researching a particular topic or even the casual birder wanting to look up a specific paper, it can take several frustrating minutes, if not longer, before the appropriate issue containing the desired article can be found. To help overcome this problem Steve Holliday has produced an easy reference table showing all the papers included in each annual bird report. Click here to view a PDF version of the reference table (updated March 2024).

Birds in Northumbria 2022 – Brand New!

  • Extensive selection of photos and illustrations
  • First confirmed breeding of Honey-buzzard in Northumberland since 1841
  • 8th May – a North Tyneside “Big Day”
  • Ringing Report
  • WeBS data

Plus the full classified list of all 284 species recorded in the
county during 2022 and lots more.
Cost: £15.00 + UK postage & packing £3.00

Birds in Northumbria 2021

  • Extensive selection of photographs and illustrations
  • Bufflehead – First for Northumberland
  • Pacific Swift – First for Northumberland
  • Northern Mockingbird – First for Northumberland
  • Reed and Sedge Warbler at East Chevington, 2004-2020
  • Clangers in space and time
    – Goldeneye in Northumberland and their travels
  • Two female Barn Owls sharing a nest box
  • Birds in Northumbria 2021 – A trip down memory lane
  • Birdwatching Sites XXII – Berwick and the Tweed Basin.

Plus the full classified list of all 280 species recorded in the
county during 2021, Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £15.00 + UK postage & packing £3.00

Birds in Northumbria 2020

  • Extensive selection of photographs and illustrations
  • Giant Petrel sp. – First for Northumberland
  • Asian Desert Warbler – First for Northumberland
  • Pechora Pipit – First for Northumberland
  • Brown Shrike – First for Northumberland
  • Buff-bellied Pipit – First for Northumberland
  • Upland breeding of Marsh Harriers in Northumberland in 2020
  • Birdwatching Sites XXII – Newcastle City centre
  • Wild Swan Census in Northumberland 2020
  • An unprecedented movement of Siskins at Tynemouth.

Plus the full classified list of all 289 species recorded in the
county during 2020 (a record breaking year), Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £15.00 + UK postage & packing £3.00

Birds in Northumbria 2019

  • 50th Anniversary Edition
  • Extensive selection of photographs and illustrations
  • “American Black Tern” – First for Northumberland
  • Eastern Yellow Wagtail – First for Northumberland
  • Pechora Pipit – First for Northumberland
  • Mediterranean Gulls in Northumberland
  • Birdwatching sites – Castle Island
  • Baillon’s Crake – First county record since 1942

Plus the full classified list of all 273 species recorded in the
county during 2019, Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £15.00 + UK postage & packing £3.00

Birds in Northumbria 2018

  • Revised table layout and new first/last, summer/winter visitor tables
  • Extensive selection of photographs and illustrations
  • The History and Status of the White-billed Diver in Northumberland
  • Howick Ringing Station
  • Rockcliffe Rovers – the May 2018 bird race
  • The Gambia: A NTBC Development Fund Grant.

Plus the full classified list of all 269 species recorded in the
county, Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £13.00 + UK postage & packing £3.00

Birds in Northumbria 2017

  • Revised county map and extensive selection of photographs and illustrations
  • Pacific Diver – First for Northumberland
  • Hen Harriers at a historical roost in Northumberland
  • The colonisation of Ring-necked Parakeets in Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumberland
  • Barn Owls – An update on an out of control hobby; the 2017 season
  • Tawny Owl and Barn Owl pellet analysis at Haughton Strother GP.

Plus the full classified list of all 272 species recorded in the
county, Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £12.50 + UK postage & packing £2.50
Birds in Northumbria 2017 pdf version   Click Here

Birds in Northumbria 2016

  • Revised, all-colour, B5 format, with extended
  • selection of photographs and illustrations
  • Siberian Accentor – First for Northumberland
  • Eyebrowed Thrush – First for Northumberland
  • Barn Owls – An out of control hobby
  • Holy Island’s Incredible Autumn.

Plus the full classified list of all 274 species recorded in the
county, Ringing Report, WeBS data and lots more.
Cost: £12 + postage & packing
Birds in Northumbria 2016 pdf version   Click Here

Birds in Northumbria 2015

  • Pallid Harrier – New for Northumberland
  • Yellow-browed Warbler – A record year in the county
  • Birdwatching Sites – Alnmouth (An insider’s view)
  • Birdwatching Sites – Backworth Pond & Area

Plus the full classified list of all the species recorded in the
county and WeBS data.
Cost: £10 + postage & packing
Birds in Northumbria 2015 pdf version   Click Here

Birds in Northumbria 2014

  • Black-winged Pratincole at Hauxley NR and Holywell – First county record
  • Collared Pratincole at Castle Island
  • Caspian Gull at Amble Harbour in 2013-14 – Second record for Northumberland
  • Red-eyed Vireo at Low Newton – Second county record
  • Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler at Newbiggin – Second county record
  • Swallows nesting in a natural site – a first for Northumberland
  • Record year for breeding Barn Owls

Plus the full classified list of all 277 species recorded in the
county, ringing report and WeBS data.
Cost: £10 + postage & packing
Birds in Northumbria 2014 pdf version   Click Here

Birds in Northumbria 2013

  • Collared Flycatcher at Low Newton – First for Northumberland
  • Cattle Egret on Holy Island – Second for the County
  • Kittiwake – River Tyne breeding data 2010-2013

Plus the full classified list of all 277 species recorded in the
county – a record annual total
Cost: £10 + postage & packing

Birds in Northumbria 2012

  • Stilt Sandpiper – first for Northumberland
  • White’s Thrush – second record for Northumberland
  • Birdwatching sites – West Hartford
  • Revised layout with generous use of coloured illustrations and photographs

Plus the usual full systematic list of all 270 species recorded
during the year and much more.
Cost: £14.50 & £1.50 postage & packing

Birds in Northumbria 2011

  • Black Scoter at Stag Rocks; 1st county record
  • Sandhill Crane at Newbiggin; 1st county record
  • Great Yellowlegs at East Chevington NWT; 1st county record
  • Eastern Black Redstart on Holy Island; 1st county record

Plus the usual full systematic list of species recorded during
the year and much more.
Cost: £14.00 inc postage & packing

Birds in Northumbria 2010

  • Melodious Warbler; 1st county record
  • Sykes’s Warbler; 1st county record
  • The Rise and Rise of the Little Egret
  • Birding Sites XVI – Whittle Dene Reservoirs
  • Wetland Bird survey 2010

Plus the usual full systematic list of species recorded during
the year and much more.
Cost: £12.80 inc postage & packing

Birds in Northumbria 2009

  • Brown-headed Cowbird; 1st county record
  • First breeding of Ospreys in Northumberland
  • Marsh Harriers breeding in Northumberland – first since 1880
  • Mediterranean Gulls breeding on Coquet Island – first breeding record

Plus a full systematic list of species for 2009 and much more.
Cost £11.50 inc postage & packing.
Follow us on Twitter @NTBirdClub